Every citizen in Ireland has a constitutional right to the protection of their good name and reputation.
If your right to a good name is unfairly damaged, you may be entitled to compensation for this damage. Defamation may arise if you were accused of something that is untrue in front of members of the public. It may also arise where there has been an unjust written publication issued to the public.
The law of defamation is a technical area of law. The Defamation Act 2009 legislates in this area of the law. There are three important factors needed for a successful defamation case:
1. The statement must be published.
2. It must refer to the person making the complaint.
3. The statement must be false.
Our solicitors are available to provide you with comprehensive advice in instituting legal proceedings to vindicate your good name. O’Hanrahan & Company boasts a high success rate in both the Circuit Court and High Court in the area of defamation.
If you believe that your reputation or business has been defamed and you require legal advice, contact O'Hanrahan & Company Solicitors today.
* Solicitors cannot calculate fees or other charges in contentious business as a percentage or a proportion of any award or settlement nor is it our practice to do so.